Coverages (AdvenSure)
The Property coverage offered as part of our AdvenSure policy provides coverage for loss of or damage to your Real Property (buildings) and Business Personal Property. Coverage is normally provided on a Replacement Cost basis. Business Income and Extra Expense coverages are also available. Several additional coverage features may also be provided. They include:
- Data or Media
- Accounts Receivable
- Newly Acquired Property
- Fine Arts
- Property in Transit
- Property Off Premises
- Money and Securities
The Commercial General Liability coverage provided by our AdvenSure policy is designed to protect your business when as a result of your action or inaction a third party is injured or their property is damaged. Our policy differs from a standard commercial policy, with coverage available for:
- Watercraft
- Personal Liability
- Dogs in Your Care, Custody or Control
- Trailer Spotting
Liquor Liability coverage can be provided on our AdvenSure policy. Coverage is designed to protect your business against loss or damages claimed as a result of a patron of your business becoming intoxicated and injuring themselves or others, or damaging someone’s property. If your business sells, serves, or facilitates the use or purchase of alcohol, your business may need this coverage.
*Not available in all states.
The Employee Benefits Liability coverage available as part of our AdvenSure policy is designed to protect your business from exposures related to the administration of various types of employee benefit programs. It provides coverage for litigation stemming from such accusations as:
- Failure to Enroll Participants
- Improper Calculation of Benefits
- Wrongful Termination of Benefits
- Improper Processing of Claims
*Not available in all states.
Commercial Crime coverage can be provided on our AdvenSure policy. Coverage is available for the following exposures:
- Employee Theft – Blanket or Position Schedule
- Forgery or Alteration
- Theft of Money and Securities
The Business Automobile coverage available on the AdvenSure policy is designed to protect your business from potential lawsuits arising from motor vehicle accidents. Coverage is also available for damage to your vehicles. Available coverage options include:
- Combined Single Limit Liability
- No Fault/Personal Injury Protection
- Medical Payments Coverage
- Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists Coverage
- Physical Damage Coverage including Comprehensive and Collision
Commercial Inland Marine coverage is available on our AdvenSure policy to provide coverage for accidental loss or damage to various property, machinery, equipment and tools used in your daily operations. Coverage is available for:
- Contractors Equipment – Scheduled Miscellaneous Property, Machinery and Equipment
- Miscellaneous Tools and Equipment – Blanket Limit of Insurance
- Electronic Data Processing Systems – Equipment, Data, Media and Computer Programs
The Ocean Marine policy offered by AdvenSure is designed to protect your business from potential lawsuits arising from marina operations and watercraft exposures. Coverage is also available for damage to your watercraft and related equipment. Available coverage options include:
- Marina Operators Legal Liability
- Protection and Indemnity
- Medical Payments
- Uninsured Watercraft
- Shoreside Liability
- Property Damage to Insured Watercraft, Fishing Equipment and Trailers
The AdvenSure Excess Liability policy is designed to provide extra limits of insurance above the primary limits included on your underlying policies. If provided by your underlying policy, excess limits are available for the following:
- Commercial General Liability
- Liquor Liability
- Employee Benefits Liability
- Automobile Liability
- Employers Liability
AdvenSure Cyber Liability coverage is available for the following exposures:
- Network Security and Privacy Liability
- Media Liability
- Data Incident Response Expenses
- Business Interruption Coverage