Coverages (AnimalKeepers)
AnimalKeepers Property provides coverage for your Real Property (buildings) and Personal Property. Our industry-tailored program also provides protection for a wide range of additional property exposures, including:
- Loss or Damage to Animals in Your Care, Custody or Control
- Outdoor Property includes Animal Pens, Cages and Runs
- Coverage for Property Damaged by Non-owned Animals
- Business Income and Extra Expense
- Computers and Communications Equipment
- Newly Acquired or Constructed Property
Designed specifically to meet the special insurance needs of animal welfare organizations like yours, AnimalKeepers General Liability coverage goes beyond a standard commercial policy, including:
- Blanket Additional Insured
- Contractual Liability
- Damage to Borrowed Equipment
- Employees and Volunteers as Insureds
- Mental Anguish
AnimalKeepers Veterinarians’ Professional Liability is crafted to provide coverage for employees and volunteers providing professional veterinarian services, including:
- Offering both Occurrence and Claims-Made Coverage Form Options
- $50,000 Veterinarian Defense Expense
The AnimalKeepers Business Automobile policy is designed to protect your business from potential lawsuits arising from motor vehicle accidents. Coverage is also available to cover damage to your vehicles, along with:
- Auto Medical Payments
- Personal Injury Protection (aka No-Fault or First Party Benefits)
- Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists Coverage
- Employees and Volunteers as Insureds
- Hired Auto Liability
- Non-Owned Auto Liability
- Full Glass Coverage
- Replacement Cost for Permanently Attached Special Equipment or Custom Painting/Decals
- Towing and Labor
- Single Occurrence Deductible
AnimalKeepers Inland Marine provides coverage for scheduled machinery and equipment normally used by you in the performance of your duties as an animal welfare organization. Coverage includes:
- Debris Removal
- Pollutant Clean Up and Removal
- Newly Acquired Machinery and Equipment
- Substitute Machinery and Equipment
- Rental Expense
AnimalKeepers Excess Liability policy is designed to provide extra limits of insurance above the primary limits included on your underlying policies. It covers damages and legal defense costs you incur if the coverage under the primary policies is used up or exhausted. Minimum underlying limits are required. If provided by your primary policy, excess limits can be provided for the following:
- Commercial General Liability
- Employee Benefits Liability
- Automobile Liability
- Employers Liability
Designed specifically to meet the needs of non-profits, AnimalKeepers Management Liability provides comprehensive, affordable solutions to animal welfare organizations like yours. Coverage provides:
- Directors’ and Officers’ (D&O) Liability Insurance Program
- Directors, Officers, Trustees, Employees and Volunteers as Insureds
- Employment Practices Liability Coverage
- Fiduciary Liability Coverage Sublimit
- Third Party Coverage for Allegations of Discrimination or Sexual Harassment
- Cyber Liability Coverage Extension
- Options for Defense Costs Outside the Limit of Liability
- Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Sublimit
- Workplace Violence Coverage
- Crisis Management Sublimit
- Breach of Contract Coverage (Defense Costs)
- Optional Coverage Parts include Fiduciary Liability and Kidnap & Ransom
AnimalKeepers Cyber Liability coverage is available for the following exposures:
- Network Security and Privacy Liability
- Media Liability
- Data Incident Response Expenses
- Business Interruption Coverage
AnimalKeepers Blanket Accident coverage is available with the following benefits for volunteers while participating in supervised and sponsored activities of the animal welfare organization:
- Accidental Death, Dismemberment & Paralysis
- Accident Medical and Dental Expense
AnimalKeepers Commercial Crime coverage is available for the following exposures:
- Employee Theft
- Forgery or Alteration
- Computer and Funds Transfer Fraud
- Identity Fraud Expense
- Fraudulent Impersonation