Contact Us

  • Cortland, New York Office
    Address:  67 Main St
    PO Box 5670
    Cortland, NY 13045
    Phone:  800.822.3747
    Fax:607.756.5051 (Underwriting)
    Fax:607.756.5967 (Claims Services)
    Denver, Colorado Office
    Address:  1331 17th Street
    Suite 810
    Denver, CO 80202
    Phone:  800.822.3747
    Fax:607.756.5051 (Underwriting)


McNeil & Company 5:09 pm

The Risk Management Department of ESIP is dedicated to providing the finest client support services available. We are constantly updating and developing new products.

Accessing these programs is as simple as asking your agent or calling our Risk Management Customer Service Line at 800.822.3747 Ext. 176.

Employee/Member Issue Hotline
Driver Assessments
Vehicle Accident Claims Guide
Emergency Vehicle Accident Case Studies
Safety Posters
Technical Bulletins
On-site Safety Audits
Haz-Mat Pocket Index Guides
“In House” Alcohol Control Program
Special Event Alcohol Control Program
Sample Policy Guidelines
Station Self-Inspection Form
Newsletter Articles

ESIP’s Employee/Member Issue Hotline is designed to assist in making decisions regarding personnel issues. If you or your organization has questions regarding personnel issues such as sexual harassment, discrimination, suspension, or termination, you may call our toll free number 800.822.3747 ext. 176 and an attorney will return your call within two business days regarding legal concerns surrounding your questions before you take action.

After an accident has occurred is not the time to find out your driver has a long list of violations, or a suspended or revoked license. The negative publicity could be devastating to your organization. ESIP will obtain motor vehicle reports on all of your drivers and complete an audit of them indicating the drivers who have a history of violations or accidents. If any trends are noted, training in a specific driving area may be recommended.

ESIP has developed this kit which contains explicit instructions of what to do at the scene, in the event of a vehicle accident. It also includes a form, which leads the member step by step to gather the information necessary to properly handle the resulting claim. The kit comes in an envelope big enough to also hold insurance identification cards and other pertinent vehicle paperwork.

Experience is a great teacher. With this in mind, ESIP has developed a number of case studies of actual emergency vehicle accidents. The studies delve into the background of the incident, the occurrence itself, and the aftermath. These case studies are an excellent addition to your existing driver training, sparking lengthy and lively discussions.

ESIP has a wide variety of safety posters addressing topics important to the emergency services. Topics such as report writing, backing of apparatus, housekeeping, and bloodborne pathogens are covered in a manner which will remind all personnel of the importance of safety. Safety posters may be ordered and are also available for download in our resources section.

Information not found anywhere else is a great way to describe the ESIP Technical Bulletin series. These booklets describe many different subjects which, while important to the emergency services, have thus far been neglected. Current topics include protecting your organization’s funds from theft and how to conduct a sexual harassment investigation. Future topics will be on a wide variety of items such as report writing, air brakes, and other items of interest to the emergency services.

ESIP will send a trained loss control representative, with emergency service experience, to your facilities to survey various parts of the operation including station safety and fire prevention, driving procedures, safety guidelines, alcohol management, and others with an aspect towards risk management. The findings will be reviewed in detail at our corporate headquarters and a final consultative report with recommendations and suggestions will be sent to you.

These plastic, pocket-sized cards are designed to provide important haz-mat information literally at the emergency service worker’s fingertips. They are waterproof and indicate the D.O.T. hazard designations for health, flammability, and reactivity as well as the “NFPA Diamond” with definitions.

In addition, the Haz-Mat Pocket Index Guide is available for download as a smartphone app!
Haz-Mat Pocket Index Guide for Android
Haz-Mat Pocket Index Guide for iOS

This kit includes tent cards and posters for bars and rec. rooms as well as other handouts to help reduce the likelihood of drunk or impaired driving by members and guests. It also includes vital information on the ESIP Designated Driver Program. If alcohol is served in your building, this information is essential to your organization.

If your organization plans to hold a special event or fund-raiser at which alcohol is to be served, this folder can play a integral part in making that event safe from alcohol misuse. It contains information on planning the event, serving alcohol, checking proof of age, and advertising. The kit also includes “Don’t Drink and Drive” safety posters and information on the ESIP Designated Driver Program.

We at ESIP feel strongly that every emergency organization should have clear, concise policies, covering a variety of subjects in order to perform duties in the finest means possible. We also have the opinion that no one knows your organization better than you do. Therefore we have developed guidelines around which you may write your own policies. These guidelines include Emergency Vehicle Driving, Accident Reviews, Health and Safety Program, Statement of Policy for Safety and others. These guidelines are continually updated to coincide with changes in OSHA, NFPA, and other organizations impacting the fire and EMS services. Sample policies are available for download in our resources section.

Discovering a hazard before it becomes an accident should be the goal of everyone. This checklist form is designed for use on a regular basis by your designated safety officer or manager. The form points out the potential hazardous areas in a typical emergency service organization building as well as the surrounding grounds.

Does your organization or county organization have a newsletter? Getting articles which will interest readers sometimes becomes a major chore. ESIP can provide you with articles which are relevant, lively, and entertaining to read. Let ESIP assist in putting your next newsletter together. Simply call and we can fax or e-mail an article to you. In addition, you can “Like” our Facebook page to receive notifications of new articles, or check out our newsletter archive.