Dock Safety - Electric Shock Drowning
Dave Denniston
June 30, 2017
We can finally say welcome to summer and to all of the watersports and water activities that come with it! Unfortunately, as we’ve already seen this year, summer also brings the potential for electric shock drowning. Water and electricity do not mix, and you must take this threat seriously to avoid being tomorrow’s headline. An electric shock even could have devastating effects on you, your business, and your customers. It is essential that you take the necessary steps to keep your guests safe.
Please take the following precautions today to make your water areas as safe as possible:
1) Make sure all electrical outlets near your water front have ground fault protection.
2) All wiring needs to be housed in the proper conduit and protected from water exposure. Always call a licensed electrician if you’re experiencing issues with your power.
3) Post “Electric Shock Warning Signs” near boat docks, ramps, or any location where electricity is used near a water front.
4) Do NOT use common household extension cords to provide power to your dock or boat. Encourage boaters to use shore power cords built to UL standards.
5) Test the GFCI/ELCI at least once a month or per the manufacturer’s specifications.
6) Check any pool areas for the same hazards.
7) Set up a regular inspection cycle and checklist to monitor the conditions of all area where water and electricity are present.
Download our Electric Shock Drowning – Employee Training Poster to share with your staff and post in your offices.
Download our Electric Shock Drowning Safety Poster to post around water fronts and in potential hazard areas.
Stay safe around the water and enjoy your summer!
For more information, contact our Risk Management Customer Service team at 800-822-3747 ext. 176 or email us at