Congratulations to SEMS on 25 years!
Tim Woitach
May 25, 2017
On May 23rd, 2017 we had the distinct honor of sponsoring and attending the 25th Anniversary Dinner for Stamford Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (SEMS). McNeil & Co. and our ESIP team have had the pleasure of providing SEMS with insurance coverage for each of the past 25 years and would like to thank them for their dedication and service to the community.
The dinner also honored two founding members of SEMS, Jay Sandak and Michael Wiederlight. Mike, along with his wife Ronnie, started the Insurance Exchange Agency and three years ago, after 27 years, sold to the Cross Insurance Agency out of Bangor, ME. The Wiederlight’s played a big part in helping make ESIP the national program that it is today and we want to congratulate them on all of their successes throughout their careers.
McNeil & Co. is proud to have worked with SEMS for the past 25 years and we are looking forward to our continued partnership in the future!
Also check out this awesome video capturing 25 years of serving the Stamford community.